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Deposit into an Enzyme vault

Depositing into an Enzyme vault is a two step process:

  1. Approve the ComptrollerProxy of the vault to spend a certain amount of denomination asset tokens
  2. Send a deposit transaction to the ComptrollerProxy.

1. Approve spending

import { Asset } from "@enzymefinance/sdk";
import { parseUnits } from "viem";
const approve = Asset.approve({ 
    asset: denominationAsset, 
    amount: parseUnits("1", 18), 
    spender: comptrollerProxy
await walletClient.sendTransaction(approve.params);

2. Deposit

Depositing the approved amount into the vault.

import { Depositor } from "@enzymefinance/sdk";
import { parseUnits } from "viem";
const deposit = Depositor.deposit({
    amount: parseUnits("1", 18),
    minSharesvQuantity: 1n,
await walletClient.sendTransaction(deposit.params);

Expected Number of Shares

For simplicity, we have set minSharesQuantity to 1 wei shares above. In real life, you should set it to a more realistic amount.

The expected number of shares for a given deposit can be obtained with the getExpectedSharesForDeposit function, and then allowing for some slippage (e.g. 1%).

import { Depositor } from "@enzymefinance/sdk";
const expectedNumberOfShares = Depositor.getExpectedSharesForDeposit(
        amount: parseUnits("1", 18),
const minSharesQuantity = expectedNumberOfShares * 99 / 100;